Baby girl was 10 months old on October 10th! I know I'm has thrown some curve balls lately. We have a very determined, vocal, silly girl on our hands!
My goofball! |
Adelaide officially said "Dada" on September 27th! She was trying so hard to say it while we were at the beach the previous week but wasn't quite getting it right.'s her favorite word! If I ask her to say "Mama"...her answer is always "Dada"! :) She is constantly talking and babbling. If you hand her a book while changing her diaper she simply looks at it and talks away as if she is reading it to me. How I love to hear her voice!
She started using her push behind walker to walk around the living room some (as opposed to pushing it on her knees). She also likes to walk around the kitchen pushing her high chair. She is well on her way to walking on her own. Her favorite toy is now her new cell phone. Her friend Noah has one and she loved it so much we went and got her one. She is simply in love with it. Her new thing lately is scrunching her nose and blowing in and out! We have no idea where she got it from, she simply started doing it one day. She's such a ham. She loves music more and more everyday it seems. If a song comes on the TV she stops what she is doing and glues herself to it and occasionally dances along with it. She is my musical baby! She still loves chewing on everything...especially fabric and metal. (Go figure on the metal...I'm constantly taking cords away from her...even hidden ones that she digs to find)
Baby girl and her phone! ;) |
Baby girl isn't really eating any more solids than she has been. She went on a 2 week spurt where she devoured solids...and more. She picks at them and then just throws them off the highchair. No worries for this Mama though because she still has her liquid gold! She has 6 teeth now (4 on top and 2 on bottom) and it hasn't really changed her nursing at all. If anything her latch has been better lately to my surprise. She really does take teething like a champ! However, she has been grinding her teeth here lately. If we see or hear her doing it we always stop her and she seems to forget about it for a while.
She still has issues sleeping through the night but she is taking better naps. She is generally waking up 3 times to nurse lately and other nights she wakes up fussing more often. I'm a tired Mama, and my body is really starting to feel the lack of sleep for over a year now. We pray daily for her to sleep through the night and I have faith it will happen soon. For now I will just accept that she needs us through the night which isn't abnormal for kids her age at all.
Adelaide is such a curious little girl. She is so determined to accomplish things and so very smart. I know we may be biased but some things she does simply amaze us for her age. I am so excited to see how God uses this little miracle in the coming years to do great things for His kingdom. We praise him everyday for giving us our precious gift.
Until next time...
Helping Mommy with diaper laundry! |
My beauty! |
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