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These pics are getting hard to capture! |
Adelaide's 6 month Doctors apt isn't until June 21st so we don't know how much she weighs and measures in etc. We do know she is growing leaps and bounds. Just ask Alex...he carries her car seat most of the time. Haha!
She is still breastfed of course! I am very aware how lucky (better yet, blessed!) I am to have been able to keep my supply going so well and for her to have never had a drop of formula! My big goal was 6 months old...thus we have passed that goal and are on to our next big goal which is 1 year! Past that is just icing on the cake. Nursing in public is still a little nerve racking for me at times, but it gets easier and easier. She hates the nursing cover and I don't want to be uncovered because that makes me uncomfortable. Not because I'm embarrassed of what I am doing or because others might stare, simply because I am so modest, always have been I don't want anyone to see a lick of my boobies! ;) Nursing in the Boba carrier has been a life saver for us. No one can see a thing and there is no cover to pull off. It's awesome! Breastfeeding is still an adventure but one that I am so glad to be a part of.
We introduced solids when she turned 6 months old also. We are doing baby led weaning so that means no spoon feeding, no purees. She gets all whole foods and does it all herself, no helping allowed! So far we love it. It's a different mind set then what most people are used to but it was an easy adjustment for me. The idea is that she has been feeding herself since birth since she is breastfed (thus starts and stops when she is good and ready) so why take that away from her. I did quite a bit of research before deciding what to do about solids and after a few months of doing so knew that this was the right way to go for us! Since breast milk is her main source of nutrition for the first year, even if she doesn't eat much it simply doesn't matter because she is getting everything she needs from me. Solids are simply a compliment for now and she enjoys playing with all her stick pieces of foods while we eat. She is amazing to watch. We truly underestimate the smarts of little humans!
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Enjoying her first solids...avocado! She loved it! |
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Avocado and Banana! It sure is messy...but oh so fun! |
Adelaide is very strong willed and has let us know she will do things in her own time and not ours! And that is ok with us. She can and will roll over but only when necessary in her mind. She prefers to scoot on her bottom or tummy to get around. She loves to pull up on our arms, our fingers, our bodies, toys, etc. She is a pro at that and loves to do it. She goes up and then plops down just so she can do it again. It's a fun cycle. She likes to take some steps now if she is holding on to your hands also.
She has been able to get up on her knees and rock for a while but never really knew what to do from there. So in the past couple of weeks she is starting to understand that she can move...forward...or backwards. She has mastered backwards of course but is still trying to get the hang of forward. She can take a couple of knee steps forward but then gives up usually. She has zero patience! I guess she got that from me! Alex loves to work with her and is always pushing her to do more and do better! That's what Daddies are for after all. She has him wrapped around her little finger though. No one can make her laugh like her Daddy! It's so amazing to see their relationship unfold! I just smile and watch and try to ingrain it all in my memory for I know that someday I won't be able to remember! :(
She also got a tooth! It started cutting through around June 4th, and it is pretty much all the way out. She handled it like a champ though. She was fussy and not wanting to eat for like a day and then back to normal ole' Adelaide!
She is amazing to watch and talk to. She is so vocal and loves to hear herself talk. She doesn't give up her laughs very easily and it's only for Mommy and Daddy when she does! She is definitely unique in that respect. But when we do hear those belly laughs we soak them up. Giggles are an all the time thing though, it's just the belly laughs that take a lot of coaxing and only when she is in the mood. Oh did I mention she is also stubborn! That's her Daddy through and through!!!!! :)
We simply love watching her independence blossom as well. She will just sit on the floor and play with her toys and enjoy the time exploring. But when she is ready for cuddle time she sure lets you know. Sometimes she simply wants you to sit beside her. I guess it gives her comfort knowing we are right next to her. Oh how we love her...she is our world!
We are simply the luckiest 2 people in the world not only to have each other but to have this amazing miracle God has blessed us with! Until next time...
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First time in a shopping cart! |
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Look at this cute face! |
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Ready for Church |
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Finally tolerating tummy time! |
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Loving the Boba..she is knocked out in Hobby Lobby! :) |
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