Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Our New Adventure!

So...this family has officially embarked on a new adventure!  CLOTH DIAPERING!  This was something that we had intended to do from birth but simply got overwhelmed with all the research when I was pregnant.  Cloth diapers have come a LONG way since my little booty was in them almost 26 years ago!  Either way after Adelaide was born I had simply forgotten about it really.  Then I was hit with it after seeing more about it pop up on Facebook from other friends.  It was then that I said...Veronica you can do this!  So Alex and I got into the car one day and headed to All About Baby Boutique downtown to do some hands on research.  I had always intended to do all-in-ones (AIO) or pockets so that's what the lady showed us while we were there.  Then she just happened to show us a different system...all-in-twos (AI2).  I was floored...where I had I been this whole time and why was this system a secret to me!?  So once I learned a little more about the AI2s we decided to go home and do a little more research before committing to a certain type.  There are so many different pros and cons to each system but in the end our guts told us to go with the AI2 system.  

So good we are done right?  No way Mr.  Now we had to pick a brand to start with a detergent etc.  So after more research we decided on the flip system which is made by bumgenius.  I am super excited to start this journey for 3 main reasons...1) I'm about to save thousands of dollars (yes thousands) over the course of Miss Adelaide's diaper career.  2) No more chemicals on my baby girl's booty and 3) no more filling landfills with diapers from our household!  Today is day 1!  We are in our first cloth diaper.  I'll let you know how it turns out!  Hopefully super dooper great!  I have no doubts in the cloth diaper way of life, it will just take some getting used to.  

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