7 Months...yes that is correct, baby girl is 7 months old! WOW! It almost slipped by me actually. I woke up on the 10th and did all the normal stuff, and then while she was in her bouncer I remembered what the date was! Gosh...my brain.
P.S. Warning...this blog post contains a picture of Adelaide breastfeeding! Nothing is showing but if you have a problem with it now would be the time to click the X at the top of your screen for this blog is not your cup of tea!
Such a helper! ;) |
Our little love bug has gone wild...she is mobile and loving it! She is crawling all over the place and getting into everything! She is pulling up on anything she can get her hands on, which includes a lot of falling and bumping her noggin!
On the move! |
Exploring! |
She loves the pool! She enjoys lounging in her float and chewing on toys! She also loves to be pulled around the pool so she can kick her legs! She is a natural. :)
My Heart! |
Silly time with Daddy |
Laughing at Mommy |
She is always offered food at dinner, but only eats it occasionally. Some nights she likes to suck on them but not swallow, other nights she manages to actually eat it, and then there are the nights where she wants nothing to do with it. All a normal part of baby led weaning! As long as she still has her good ole' boobie milk as we call it she is good to go. She has become a funny little nurser. She enjoys sitting on my lap and eating while bouncing. I suppose she likes to make milk shakes! She is so sweet to watch and I adore the bonding time we share.
Nursing my love to sleep! <3 |
She had her first 4th of July! We didn't do too much which was nice. We went and had breakfast at my Dad's work, visited with Kelly and Noah for a couple of hours while Matt was at work, went swimming, and went out to eat for dinner with my Mom and Dad! It was a nice day and our girl looked beautiful! :)
Happy Independence Day! |
She has such a silly personality! Her Daddy likes to scare her and she thinks it's the funniest thing. I love to hear them "yell" back and forth at each other. It's a hoot and they can go on forever. She is so so so vocal and I simply adore hearing her precious voice.
She still loves to be worn in her Boba or ring sling and we love to wear her so it's a win win for all of us. Alex wears her mostly when we are out in the Boba unless she wants to eat and then I get to wear her for a little bit while she is nursing. I love that he loves to wear her so I don't mind at all! They have such a cool relationship and I love watching them together. I have probably said that before and I will say it a million more times. It's amazing and I just sit back, watch them and smile.
Trying on hats at JC Penny! ;) |
The only thing I wish the little one would work on is sleeping. We are exhausted parents and have tried just about everything. 7 months of little sleep is wearing us down. She wakes up often because she wants her paci, and lately just wakes up crying. She wants to be in the bed with us but our bed arrangement simply isn't safe for the 3 of us. So last night we decided to side car her crib on my side of the bed. It's never anything I had ever intended to do with my children but I have to meet her needs as her Mother and she needs to be close to me when she sleeps. If that is what she needs that is what we shall give her. Night 1 went ok...hoping that it only gets better from here. :)
Until next time...
Swinging for the first time at Mimi's house! |