As I sit here and type this I am overcome with emotion. My baby girl will be a year old in a couple of weeks and I am just not handling it too well. Don't get me wrong…I'm soooo excited to watch her grow and look forward to all the milestones ahead, but it's all so bittersweet. My baby won't be a baby anymore. My baby isn't a baby anymore. Where have the past 11 months gone. When they say the days are long but the years are short they really mean it. I feel like it was literally yesterday that I was holding her for the first time...that dark head of hair and those chubby cheeks…and those eyes…oh those eyes. -Sigh-

So…I will kick myself in the butt and move on to the important stuff! Baby girl is walking! It was so sudden and unexpected. She went through a biting phase and still isn't completely out of it. I was sitting on the floor with her and she flat out bit my arm…and hard. I picked that darn girl up and sat her down away from me saying my usual "no bite". Well, she wasn't having it. Screaming ensued and she picked herself up and took 2 steps toward me. I was astonished. After she calmed down I put her in the middle of the floor to see if I had been hallucinating and sure enough she took 4 wobbly steps towards me. Over the moon I tell ya…over the moon. We immediately called Daddy and then Mimi and Pawpaw. It still isn't her main source of moving around simply because crawling is so much faster but she is getting there.
Adelaide loves to clap and dance! Her favorite song to dance to is the hot dog song on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! She waves hi and bye but the Adelaide way. She doesn't flap her little fingers like most kids do, instead she prefers to simply stick her hand out and hold it there…no movement! Haha. Leave it to my kid to be different. She enjoys throwing balls (and chasing after them) and loves to look through books. She has now added "dog" to her vocabulary although it comes out "dug". She said "Pawpaw" once but hasn't said it since. She is so talkative and silly. I could sit and watch her interact with her surroundings all day. She is such a curious little girl and so determined. She has mastered drinking from a cup although still needs some help with cups that don't have lids and she has almost mastered the spoon. At the moment she dips the spoon into the food but doesn't exactly scoop it out yet. She's so smart and we are so very proud of her. Daddy taught her how to climb the stairs but is still working on teaching her to get down them safely. I'll leave that task to him. She loves to snuggle and we adore that about her. Sometimes it's the best part of my day…Adelaide snuggles! :)
My little bookworm |
I love my snuggle time! |
Enjoying her new toy! Lots of rolling balls around now. :) |
There is one thing…she still doesn't sleep through the night…not even close. We have had a few decent nights in the past 6 months but I can count them on one hand. I know it will happen, I'm just wishing it would happen like yesterday perhaps. Tired is an understatement in this house.
Adelaide visited her first pumpkin patch which she wasn't too fond of but I enjoyed taking a few pictures of her. She also had her first Halloween. Her Daddy wanted her to be something awesome…so a superhero she was! We didn't go all out with the costume…didn't really feel a need to. She was a cutie and she can wear the outfit again. Win win if you ask me.
Headed to the pumpkin patch with my silly goose! |
Not sure what to think about these things! |
Trying out her first tractor with Daddy! |
Our Super Girl on Halloween! |
Her main food source is still breast milk although she does love fruit, yogurt and applesauce. She still isn't a huge fan of veggies but likes meat pretty well. I love nursing my little and I wouldn't trade it for anything. To think…I was never going to breastfeed but Alex kept encouraging me to at least try it. That's all he asked…try. If it wasn't for his persistence and support I would have missed out on one of the most rewarding journeys of my life. 11 months strong and no end in sight. I am so thankful for my supportive husband and so grateful for him sticking to his guns. He will never know how much that means to me now. Having a supportive husband who is also the world's best Dad is a blessing I can never thank God too much for. Sometimes he leaves me speechless as I watch him interact with our baby girl. 10 years ago if you asked me if Alex Perez would have made a good father I probably would have laughed. Even 5 years ago I probably had my doubts however that all went out the window when she arrived. His love and support is endless!
Spaghetti monster! |
So next time I sit down to write one of these…I will have a one year old! Until next time…
My mischievous monkey! |
Daddy brought home 100 pound pumpkins from work for target practice! |
Being silly with Daddy at the Holiday Market |
Tutu I made for Adelaide's birthday party! |