Here is what I do know...these months go by way to fast. I have already shed some tears over the fact that my next month by month post will be 6 months! My baby girl is almost half a year old and it seems like yesterday she was popping out. I also cry when I listen to the song You & Me by Frances England. Oh boy...tear jerker for sure. Anyways, enough about my sappy emotions due to being a Mommy...on to why I am here...May 10th marked 5 months with our beautiful miracle. She gave me a run for my money trying to get a picture of her with her little board. I suppose from now on it will be a 2 man job! Here is a sneak peak of what I went through! HAHA...
Not much has changed in the rolling department since 4 months...she did it a few times and then realized in her mind it was pointless! She still has no interest in it. She simply finds other ways to get what she wants, which is usually some method of scooting.
One thing that she has been doing for quite a while is sitting up with no help. She obviously can't get to sitting by herself since she doesn't roll, but when placed she could stay there for days and play. She is so strong!
Play play play! |
She also figured out she could sit up in her rocker! |
She has also realized that when in her exer-saucer she can bounce! Who knew. So if you want to have a conversation or hear something on the TV while Adelaide is in her exer-saucer, forget it! All you can hear is her constant bouncing rattling all the toys on that darn thing. It's amazing to watch...she adores it.
She is very very vocal as she has always been. Her favorite phrase is "Uh Guh"...whatever that means! :) When she is upset she says "MaaaMaaa". I'm pretty excited about that, however Alex...not so much! A real "Dada" will be worth the wait though.
She has also figured out that she can make raspberries with her mouth! She likes to do this on: her hands, your hands, a toy, her paci, or anything she can get her hands on really...or nothing at all. She is amazing to watch. We have a hard time taking our eyes off of her.
Another thing that hasn't changed...feet play! This child loves playing with and sucking on her feet! Too cute!
Hello there friends! |
We put her in her high chair for the first time when she turned 5 months old. She sits in it and plays with toys while we eat! She will be good and ready for solids soon. We plan on starting baby led solids on or after her 6 month birthday. What an adventure that will be. I'm sure a blog post of it's own.
First time in high chair! |
She has started to realize that if she grunts at us we will pay attention to her. So for example, if she is in her exer-saucer and decides she doesn't like the fact that Mommy isn't watching her, grunts start coming until I look at her. Then she is all smiles and giggles and goes back to playing. Oh what a Diva!
She loves the TV! YIKES! This of course was not intentional at all...but it does help me occasionally get something done, like eat, use the bathroom, you know normal stuff. Her favorite show is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! Luckily it's a pretty decent kids show or I would have already stabbed myself in the eyes. ;)
Watching some Saturday morning cartoons with Daddy! |
Lounging with some Mickey Mouse Clubhouse |
We also participated in the Great Cloth Diaper Change! We loved it and thought it was super neat to be a part of a world record. We participated at All About Baby Boutique downtown. Love love this's where we get all our cloth diaper and other natural goods.
Getting her booty changed for a World Record! |
We are still exclusively breastfeeding and loving the adventure. If you gave my kid a bottle she would probably look at you like you were crazy. She wouldn't know what to do with one and that makes me proud! Breastfeeding is no easy task, but I wouldn't trade it for the world and I have my supportive husband to thank for that. He was the one to encourage me to try and was the one that encouraged me through all the hard times. I am forever grateful for that. Maybe a blog about our breastfeeding adventures in the future...who knows. We are also still of course loving our cloth diapers. Cloth wipes are in the near future as we are running out of disposable ones. Kinda nervous about that one.
We are so in love with our beautiful little girl and thank God everyday for her warm smile and little giggles. She is our everything!!! We still have no idea how we created something so beautiful and amazing.
Until next time...
He is so in love! :) |
Those beautiful blue eyes! |